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Products & Services


  • Point-of-Sale Software Systems: Our TSS™ software may be the channel’s best point-of-sale system. Used by over retail businesses, it also allows us to collect point-of-sale data, aggregate this and then generate reports for manufacturers showing brand performance down to the level of what vehicle in which product was installed.

Marketing Services

  • Website design, creation and management services for dealers and manufacturers. We manage and control the websites of over 150 dealers; providing unique opportunities for brand exposure and consumer marketing.
  • Custom eBLAST emails can be sent to our dealer members and/or our list of over 12,000 opt-in email recipients. We can target our Diamond and Platinum Dealers or your dealers identified as our members. Whether a plain text or custom designed email campaign, our eBlasts are a cost- effective method to reach a targeted audience.
  • Website Messaging: Your message or ad on the homepage of your retailers MEA-controlled websites.

Media Services

  • Mobile Electronics® magazine, The Industry’s #1 Resource, has been published for 31 years. We have over 12,000 qualified subscribers from owners and decision makers to installers. We now publish the magazine in-house and deliver the magazine in a monthly print issue and now a digital edition for reading from a hand-held device. Our new digital edition allows the advertiser to “point” the reader to a specific webpage.
  • ME-mag.com, our magazine website, not the new digital edition of the magazine. It features industry news, product info, blogs, and our new Jobwire classified ad board. Ads can be linked to “point” the reader to a specific webpage.
  • Hotwire, our e-newsletter. It’s emailed twice weekly on Tuesdays and Thursdays. It includes industry news, press releases, advertising and now classified ads. Ads can be linked to “point” the reader to a specific webpage.
  • MEAPreferred.com: Our new consumer-facing website can highlight your products and take consumers to your website or help them find the nearest authorized dealer for your product.
  • Social Media: Our Facebook page answers questions about in-vehicle technologies. It’s linked to Mobile Electronics® magazine, and it’s here where you can connect with other industry professionals can connect on hot topics.

Information Services

  • Mobile Electronics Fit Guide provides vehicle information online that allows dealers to show consumers what mobile electronics products fit their vehicles. Our Fit Guide can be used by manufacturers who want to show vehicle compatibility with their products.
  • Mobile Electronics Dealer Locator: Our online Dealer Locator helps consumers search for mobile electronics specialists in their area. It then sends leads to authorized dealers.

(c) 2025 - mobile electronics association | contact us: +1 (800) 949-6372